
This project was so much fun. With their classroom teachers, my Year 4 students were learning about Habitats. We continued to explore this theme in Art class by working in small groups to create paper collages of plants and animals that are unique to various habitats around the world.

The students worked in small groups to create their videos using iPads
To begin, the students used library books to sketch the animals in their specific habitat, taking note of their identifying features. We then discussed colour theory and perspective before creating textured paper and practicing various cutting techniques. It took quite a few weeks to make all the plants and animals, but the students were so enthusiastic and their paper creations turned out really well.

Students had to work collaboratively to create the plants and animals in their habitat.
With the help of iPads, the iMotion app and a little desktop editing, these collages were then used to create some fun stop-motion videos - complete with rolling credits and music! It took considerable teamwork to create the stop-motion, but it was so much fun. I think the students would happily have kept going all day long! I was able to collaborate with our wonderful ICT teacher, Ms Amita, to make this project complete.

Here is one of the finished videos - 'Under the Sea'. 100% student produced!


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