Why Art?

Sure, Visual Art is fun for children of all ages, but is it really an important part of a well-balanced education? So often it is a curriculum area that is considered to be a luxury item in the primary school.  Aren't students just splashing fingerprint around? They can't really be learning vital skills in the process, can they? Research has proven that during Visual Art lessons, students are learning to really look, imagine, invent and think. They are learning how to see new patterns, to learn from mistakes and to envision solutions.

While I get pretty excited about showing off my student's work, the end product is not the most important part of the creative process. The actual creation of the piece is crucial to the learning experience. The solution to the problem presented, the emotions felt, the mistakes made, and the hands-on work all add up in the end, although these are not always visible to others. In art, students walk away with more than just a ceramic bowl or a well-produced painting. They walk away with a greater sense of accomplishment, more analytical problem solving skills and the ability to think creatively at a deeper level.

Art is a wonderful tool to reinforce the standards of learning outside the core classes. Students can further explore social studies, history, science, maths and language arts while using their hands and minds to create works of art. More than just undirected play, all of my lessons connect to classroom learning in some way.

Looking beyond the individual, an effective Visual Arts program makes a school come ALIVE with colour and creativity! You know instantly when you enter a school if it has an Art department. If you want a lively school environment - you need an Art teacher!! Annual Art Shows are an absolute winner with parents and an event that students of all ability levels attend with pride. You can check out some pictures of my latest students' art shows here.